HERMES Team represents the largest student research group in robotics for medical applications in Greece and operates under the auspices of the University of Thessaly (UTH).
Specifically, HERMES Team is engaged in the development of a fully functional robotic exoskeleton for individuals with Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI), providing them with the capability to fulfill basic daily needs. Its objective is to participate in the international competition CYBATHLON 2024 in the “Exoskeleton Race” discipline, marking the first Greek participation. With the support of the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at UTH, HERMES Team is dynamically progressing towards improvement and technological development.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the School of Engineering of the University of Thessaly
Sekeri – Cheiden Str
Pedion Areos, ECE Building
383 34 Volos – Greece